With such an incredible feature list, there is nothing which can beat PyDev to become the best Python IDE. You can even use its keyboard shortcuts and ease up on using Mouse for every IDE action. On top of these features, it adds functions like smart indent, bracket identification, error markup, and facilitates unit testing. It supports GIT integration for source code control, also enables code coverage, UML views, and allows editing.

Its top features are Django integration, Just-In-Time Python debugging, auto code completion, code inspection, Go to the definition, and refactoring. PyDev brings some promising features for Python programmers that are more than enough to make them choose it as the best Python IDE.

However, if you are not, then it won’t take you long to learn Eclipse. Working with PyDev is a no-brainer for existing Eclipse users. However, Fabio Zadrozny is now the developer actively maintaining the plugin. It was Aleksandar Totic, who is famous for his contribution to Mosaic browser, worked on PyDev project during 2003-2004. Also, it is meaningless to say that you won’t need to spare a penny to land it in your service. It is the 5th most popular Eclipse plugin by its all-time usage count. PyDev is one of the commonly used Python IDE and is a natural choice of many Python developers coming from Java background. PyDev Plugin for Eclipse – Best Python IDE Top 10 Python IDEs for Python Programming 1.