If compilation fails, the ACME outputs are shown in the diagnostics view. If compilation is successful, that program file can either be run/debugged with the embedded debugger based on a defined launch configuration (see Debugger Launch Configuration), or it can be loaded into a VICE emulator session or a C64 Debugger session.

asm source file is modified and saved, it is automatically compiled to a C64 (cbm). Support for ACME assember syntax is provided. This is done by providing syntax highlighting, automatic background compilation using the ACME assembler, an embedded 6502 CPU emulator and the integration of the VICE C64 emulator and the C64 debugger tool. The VS64 extension provides a convienient editing, build and run environment. For running binaries in a full C64 debugging and monitoring environment, you need to install the C64-Debugger tool.For running binaries at a full C64 emulator target, you need to install the VICE C64 emulator.There are no additional requirements or dependencies to operate this extension.

Full debugging support for MOS 6502 CPU.Syntax highlighting for ACME assembler files.This extension provides support for C64 development in Visual Studio Code.